Built With Science: Building Muscle and Knowledge Through Evidence-Based Fitness

In the ever-evolving world of fitness, finding accurate and science-backed information can be a challenge. Built With Science, a pioneering fitness brand, has emerged as a beacon of truth in an industry saturated with myths and misinformation. With a focus on evidence-based approaches and education, Built With Science is transforming the way individuals approach their fitness journey.

A Foundation in Science

Built With Science was founded by Jeremy Ethier, a certified personal trainer and kinesiologist. Ethier’s commitment to delivering accurate and reliable fitness information grew out of a frustration with the prevalence of unproven methods in the fitness world. Built With Science was created as a response to this, offering a platform that prioritizes scientific research and evidence-based practices.

Evidence-Based Fitness Programs

One of the hallmarks of Built With Science is its evidence-based fitness programs. These programs are meticulously crafted to align with the latest scientific research on muscle building, fat loss, and overall physical performance. Built With Science’s approach ensures that individuals receive effective workout routines that are grounded in real science rather than trendy fads.

Precision in Nutrition

Built With Science recognizes the integral role of nutrition in achieving fitness goals. The brand offers nutrition guidance that is tailored to individual needs, emphasizing the importance of balanced and sustainable dietary choices. This precision in nutrition aligns with the brand’s overarching commitment to evidence-based practices.

Educational Empowerment

Education is at the core of Built With Science’s mission. The brand empowers individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their fitness journey. Through articles, videos, and educational resources, Built With Science demystifies complex fitness concepts, equipping individuals with the tools they need to succeed.

Busting Myths and Dispelling Misinformation

The fitness industry is rife with myths and misinformation that can lead individuals astray. Built With Science is dedicated to debunking these myths and providing clarity on topics that are often misunderstood. By separating fact from fiction, the brand empowers individuals to make choices that are based on accurate information.

Personalization for Results

Built With Science recognizes that every individual is unique. The brand’s personalized approach to fitness ensures that individuals receive tailored guidance that takes into account their goals, fitness level, and any limitations they may have. This focus on personalization enhances the likelihood of achieving sustainable and lasting results.

Building Confidence and Trust

Built With Science’s evidence-based approach has earned it the trust and confidence of fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and individuals seeking genuine results. By consistently delivering accurate information and practical guidance, the brand has established itself as a reliable and authoritative source in the fitness community.


Built With Science stands as a guiding light in the fitness landscape, offering evidence-based fitness programs, nutritional guidance, educational empowerment, myth-busting, and personalized approaches that are rooted in science. As with any fitness journey, consulting with healthcare professionals before making significant changes to your regimen is advisable. With Built With Science, individuals have a partner that empowers them to build muscle, boost performance, and embark on a fitness journey that is both effective and sustainable.

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